NAACP Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Branch #2070
An overview of some of the accomplishments and networking of this branch of the NAACP under the leadership of President, Fred Purnell Ross, and the support of 1st Vice President, Sharon Jones Jenkins, 2nd Vice President, Jim Kaddy, 3rd Vice President Freddye Ross, Secretary, Frances Elsemore, and a community of loyal supporters.
For nearly a century, socially conscious individuals from all walks of life, from all parts of the political spectrum, all races and religions, have done something wonderful. They have spoken out for that which is right and against that which is wrong. They believe that Civil Rights are for everyone and that democracy is for everyone, and not for a select group. They are unafraid to speak the truth. These are members of the NAACP.
The Vision of the NAACP is a society in which all individuals have equal rights and there is no racial hatred or racial discrimination. The Mission is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.
In keeping with the Vision and Mission of the NAACP, this will highlight a few of this branch's endeavors and accomplishments during the past five years.
2007 Highlights
Executive Committee Member Training
Networking with New Hampshire Chiefs of Police
Mediation Training for Legal Redress Members (three days)
Attended NAACP Branch meetings in New Hampshire - Nashua, Manchester
Sensitivity Training from the New England Justice Department with
the Rochester, NH Police Department (two days)
Networking with the University of NH Diversity Programs
Networking with the Seacoast Dr Martin Luther King, Jr Coalition Breakfast
by sponsoring a table for the youth to attend the breakfast
Branch Scholarship Program, first this year, for two high school students from
Seacoast New Hampshire and Maine Area
Networking with Green Acre Baha'i' School
Growth in Membership - one in four in New England Area Conference (NEAC)
Non-partisan Outreach to Politicians in local Communities
Networking with Seacoast Africian American Cultlural Center
Networking with Portsmouth Black Heritage Trail
Organized an NAACP Youth Group Council - a first for New Hampshire
A Successful Freedom Fund Event
Networking with the Justice Department on Education (Nashua)
Members attended the NAACP 98th Annual Convention held in Detroit, MI
Attended all New England Area Conference (NEAC) meetings, workshops,
and Conventions
Annual Branch #2070 Family Picnic held in Eliot, ME
2005 Highlights
Formed a first-ever Web Site Committee.
Established the first NAACP Web Site in the state's history.
Legal Redress Committee worked on numerous Legal Redress issues in schools, for residence, in employment, and in prison.
Participated in the city of Durham Strategic planning committee for the 3rd year.
Participated with York Diversity Council in area forums.
Assisted in the launching of the Greater Nashua Branch. Working closely with the Manchester Coordinating Committee to have its branch charter reinstated. Working to establish a Dartmouth College NAACP Chapter.
Established communication with the state's Hispanic leadership.
Participated in a state Latino summit.
Attended the NAACP Annual Convention held in Wisconsin. Participated in the Northeast Regional Area Conference (NEAC) quarterly and annual training sessions.
Gave radio interview with WCSH 106.1. Gave several press interviews. Prepared press releases monthly and for special events.
Secured financing to help defray operational costs. Working to get financial support from advertisement with Google.
Participated in a number of University of New Hampshire programs.
Participated in Green Acre Peace Treaty and Diversity programs.
Participated in the "Eyes On The Prize" program held in Exeter, NH. with the Society of Friends.
Co-sponsored "Set The House On Fire" event, a Gospel/Concert Celebrating The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Co-sponsored "Saving Darfur" Program with the Seacoast Peace Response organization.
Supported the Seacoast African Culture Center, the Black Heritage Trail, the Seacoast Martin Luther King Coalition, and Portsmouth and Greater Accra Sister City Partnership Program.
Two member families hosted an African King in their homes on behalf of the NAACP Branch.
Created "Love Not Hate" T-shirts and tote bags to expand the branch's presence and message, and to raise funds.
Held a successful Freedom Fund Dinner event and a successful Annual Picnic.
2004 Highlights
President Fred Ross and Vice President Nina Jordan gave testimony before the House in support of keeping New Hampshire's Affirmative Action Programs in tact. The University of New Hampshire was well represented, as well as other people of good will. This branch was instrumental in helping to defeat NH House Bill 55. If HB 55 had passed, it would have eliminated NH Affirmative Action Programs.
President Fred Ross and Freddye Ross attended a Hispanic Networking meeting held at the Technical College of Nashua, NH. This group wishes to get involved with the NAACP via the sharing of relevant information.
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights requested President Ross to participate in brainstorming sessions. The event was held at Southern New Hampshire University in Hooksett. The Commission was seeking advice, as how best to meet the increasing diversity population needs in New Hampshire.
President Ross was instrumental in the formation of the first NAACP branch in Nashua. We extend our congratulations to our friends in Nashua who have received their branch charter and are now officially an NAACP branch. We look forward to your many successes, and many years of collaboration together serving the cause of justice and equality for all people of New Hampshire.
January 2004: Members of the organizing group for Community Dialogues met at the NH Community Tech College. Associate Vice President and Director, Valerie Mahar, has made the space available and invites us to make it home base for the Community Dialogues. Superintendent Lyonel Tracy facilitated the meeting which included Chief Magnant, Capt. Yerardi, Peter Hamelin, Leavy Ann White and Nina Jordan. Community Dialogues will pursue SPIRIT, a diversity program for high school Students.
We are also working on engaging the Portsmouth business community with the assistance of Peter Hamelin, of the Chamber of Commerce. The goal is to create a Portsmouth community that is welcoming and inclusive of our minority population. This will, among other obvious benefits to all of us, enhance the UNH's efforts to recruit professors and students of diverse backgrounds and from minority communities.
Legal Redress:
Vice President Nina Jordan, co-chair, Richard Haynes, Terry MacDonald, and Bob McElwain met with attorney Paul McEachern who has agreed to consult with the committee when needed. He will also consider offering pro bono services for complaints that meet his criteria. Attorneys Tony Soltani, Jim Noucas and Mark Sisti will also work with the legal redress committee.
The Pearl:
Rogers Johnson reported that Senator Judd Gregg is working to obtain grant money for The Pearl (the Pearl Street church in Portsmouth) from the Federal Government's National Historic Landmark Trust Fund.
President Ross reported that President Ann Hart of UNH has invited branch participation in a meeting. The purpose of the meeting would be for the University and the NAACP to become acquainted with one another's goals and activities in the pursuit of racial diversity and equality.
Voter Registration:
In addition to many other community endeavors and initiatives, Sean McGhee Director of UNH's Office of Multi-Cultural Affairs, is Chair of The Voter's Registration. Sean, Nina Jordan, Rose Ruffin, Natalie White, and others have visited various activity sites for voter's registration. They continue to work with Caroline MacDonald of the Citizens Alliance. The last site was the Newmarket Heritage Festival. October will be a visit to the Laotian Community in Newmarket.
2003 Highlights
January 2003: President Ross, Vice Presidents: Nina Jordan, and Gene Hill, Jr., member, Freddye Ross, traveled to Lewiston, Maine. Trip's purpose was to support the citizens of Lewiston Civil Rights demonstration and march against a hate group, The Church of the Creator.
The Durham Police Department requested NAACP participation in their 7th Annual Strategic Planning Session. This all day affair was attended by President Ross, members: Senta and Chabazz Azarkadeh. This was a most informative experience.
February 2003: The Salvation Army has provided a place for monthly meetings for many years. A check for $200.00 was given to the Salvation Army on behalf of the NAACP in appreciation of their support. Due to anticipated renovations we will no longer be able to have meeting in this facility.
March 2003: President Ross met with the Honorable Evelyn Sirrell, Mayor of Portsmouth NH, who was willing to assist in locating a suitable meeting place.
May 2003: With the assistance of Mayor Evelyn Sirrell and City Attorney Robert Sullivan, the Portsmouth branch of the NAACP was able to secure a new home for its monthly meetings: New Hampshire Suites and Company, 1 New Hampshire Avenue, Pease International Tradeport. We give our thanks and appreciation to the Mayor and City of Portsmouth. Our meetings are open to the public, the second Monday of each month, 7:00 pm. Exceptions to this schedule will be made through the news media.
July 2003: President Ross noted that the NAACP is a non-partisan organization and that as election activities take place, the Branch must be open to hearing the ideas of all candidates. He encourages those running for office to come and address the Branch so that we can learn more about the candidates and their platform.