NAACP of the SeacoastMaking Democracy WorkSince 1909
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Frequently Asked Questions

 Q. Who is eligible to join the NAACP?

A.  Anyone who supports the mission of the NAACP, irrespective of race, religion, political affiliation or  ideology can become a member of the association.

Q. What is the general make-up of the Portsmouth Branch?

A. This branch's membership consists of all races and professions. The majority of this branches  members are Caucasian.

Q. How are the expenses associated with  cost of operations covered?

A. All NAACP branch"s depend heavily on business and individual contributions. Most of the branch's income is sent on to the National Office to support nationwide work..A  small portion remains with the branch to help with administrative expenses.

Q. Can young people join this organization?

A.  Yes, youth are encouraged to join.

Q. What kind of support does this branch receive from local and state businessses and from regional and national corporations?

A.  Unfortunately, at present, this branch receives no such support, unlike branches in our sister states Maine and Massachusetts that enjoy generous ongoing financial support from the business community.  New Hampshire businesses have not been supportive in any substantial way since 2001.  To date, we have made efforts to gain the support of NH corporations. Not only were no contributions made, but we didn't receive an acknowledgment of our requests.

Q. Who are the people that perform the many duties involved with the branch's operation?

A. Volunteers

Q. When was the organization formed?

A. The NAACP was founded in New York in 1909, making it the oldest Civil Rights organization in America.

Q. How is the NAACP organized?

A.  The association is composed of thousands of branches and tens of thousands of volunteer members nationwide.  There are currently 2,201 adult branches and 1700 youth and college branches.

Q. When and where are general membership meetings held in the seacoast area?

A.  General membership meetings are held at 7pm  on the first Monday of each month, at One New Hampshire Avenue, third floor conference room, Pease International Tradeport in Portsmouth, NH.  When the meeting cannot be held on the first Monday due to inclement weather or holidays, the meeting is scheduled for the following Monday.

Q. Can the organization accept donations?

A. Yes

Q. What is the Plan to continue pursuing business financial support?

A. The branch has launched this website.  It is our hope that businesses and corporations will see the benefit in purchasing advertisement space on our website. Buying advertisement space will send a strong message that sponsoring companies support the cause of equal opportunities for all.

Q. What activities has the seacoast branch been involved in for the past three years?

A. Working with schools (elementary to university levels) to help resolve real and perceived problems as they relate to injustice.  Worked with several of the area's police departments as well as jails and prisons. Worked on legislative matters, building community dialog, and serving on towns' strategic planning committees.  Worked with voter registration matters.  Formed alliances with other organizations with commitment to equality issues.

Q. What levels of membership are there?

A. An adult membership cost $30.00 and includes the magazine Crisis.  There are youth memberships for less, and there is also the opportunity to join at various levels or to become a life member.

Q.When I join how long will it take to become a member?

A.  Immediately, you are a member once payment has been received.

Q.What are some of the areas (committees) that are in the branch?

A. Standing committees on Armed Services and Veterans Affairs, Community Coordination, Communications, Economic development , Education, Finance, Freedom Fund, Health, Housing, Labor and Industry, Legal Redress, Membership, Political Action, Religious Affairs, Youth Work, Press and Publicity, Website, Newsletter Publication, Ad Hoc Committees.

Q.  Is it possible to view the newsletter on the internet?

A. Yes



Amesbury Duplicate Bridge Club 


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UNH MLK Jr. Conversation Rev Rosemary Bray McNatt - February 01, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 12:10 to 2:00pm
Strafford Room, Memorial Union Bldg
University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH

Apr 02, 2012
NAACP April Branch Membership Meeting

Apr 28, 2012
Freedom Fund Dinner Dance Gala

May 07, 2012
NAACP May Branch Membership Meeting

Jun 04, 2012
NAACP June Branch Membership Meeting

Jul 02, 2012
NAACP JULY Branch Membership Meeting

Aug 05, 2012
NAACP Annual Picnic - SAVE THE DATE!

Aug 06, 2012
NAACP August Branch Membership Meeting

Sep 10, 2012
NAACP September Branch Membership Meeting

Oct 01, 2012
NAACP October Branch Membership Meeting

Nov 05, 2012
NAACP November Branch Membership Meeting